January 24, 2006

My second time coming to the same primary school for another relief teaching.I had been called to take care of one of the class which I took last time.

As usual,they made a hell lot of noise even when I taught them Chinese New Year song.If I am not a teacher,and not a Christian,I would have pushed that mischievious boy down and hit him until he had a hard time finding all his missing teeth.That is how pissed off I am to that little boy.

I even take care of other Primary 3 class,which is much better class than the previous one,except that there are more problematic students there.With offensive children,to anti-social,to children who tell lies,you name it.

I tell you,children there are out to tell lies to try convince the teacher,like childish act of "he hit me,but I didn't do anything","teacher you see they all run around but I didn't run","I pass teacher something(which I never received anything)",any bloody lies that try to trick teachers to believe in him/her.

So if I'm thinking of teaching,I have to think again.Let's start from bad things first:

1.You'll lose 87398735 ml of blood you've puked out
2.Marking all their work books
3.Dealing with parents who are over-protective over their child
4.The theory of teacher < student < principal < parents and the parents are always right

However there are some good things in fact:

1.Students appreciating you/respecting you
2.The sense of achievement
3.High pay(?!)
4.Maybe some previledge you can possibly get

So after teaching 2 days of relief teaching,I somehow think twice before signing the contract of NIE.Maybe I should take SIM and just get a better job that can make my life better.