March 12, 2008
Few weeks ago,my friend shared with me about his "love" relationship with a girl from other country.The story of how they knew each other,going out together and spending their last night(healthy one).
He even bought a language book to help himself with his conversation with that girl.How sweet is that.
He showed me the photos he took with her.She is quite fine looking,sweet and most of all, a sense.
Long distance relationship is romantic yet tragic loh!Imagine you know this girl from,say South Korea.Let say you know her through facebook or maybe friendster or a blog which she randomly click on to,then she arranged to meet you at your country,then love at first sight,then went back to her country with tears,then har,then hor...
Then then then...
So why do I mention tragic?It's because you never knew when you can really meet her again.You can only get her updated with your facebook/friendster/blog but that doesn't make her happy enough.Perhaps after months of not meeting each other,she may forget about you and find herself a new boyfriend.As for yourself,you may end up waiting stubbornly for someone who has found her Mr Right.
Sad loh.Reminded me of "Better That We Break" from Maroon 5 when I type this.Yes,it's another sad song which I like.
Well as for my friend's case,that last thing I heard from him is that he still keep in contact with her through SMS,and the rest of the story is unknown.
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