March 25, 2007
Yesterday I went for my IPPT before my window closed on 29th March.I got the feeling I'm gonna fail this test because I didn't train much.The last time I took this test was 1 month ago,where I failed miserably(Chin-up and 2.4km).
The test was held in Maju Camp,which is much nearly to my house compared to Bedok Camp.I did not sleep well the night before the IPPT.I was so worried that I'll fail and I don't like the feeling of been a failure.No matter what,I must pass this test.
When I reached the camp,the test has already started.I was kinda late when I found myself to be a second group to take the test.
Every station that we took is electronics,which makes shutter run bloody easy and chin up bloody hard.Why hard?You won't be able to do a half bend pull using the new improved chin up bar.Say goodbye to the half f**k chin-up.Hahahahaha!!!
I went through every static station with ease,except for chin-up,which is my killer station.I did 2 chin-ups last time,so how many can I do this time?
5 chin-ups in the end.What a waste.No,I don't want to fail just like this.I shall do it again.
6 chin-ups on my second attempt.I was not satisfied with it because it was not a beautiful pass.The last one was a jerk and the PTI(physical training instructor)just give it to me.Anyway,I cannot afford to disappoint his wonderful grace by failing 2.4km.I got to run as if the kingdom comes!
The sun was so strong when we take 2.4km.So strong,you can simply grill a chicken chop on the road.Thanks to the hot weather,I can't really run very well,oh what an excuse I had.
When I finished my 2.4km,the timing was 12:33.My world collapsed as if it was my end of day.In order for me to pass,I need 12:20.It's a 13 second difference damn it!
My mind was making fun of me,"Wei Liang,you are going to die.You are going for your RT(Remedial training)preeeeetty soon.See lah,eat some more oily junk food lah.Hahahahaha!!!!!"
I had not touched KFC for quite some time,for your info.Okay,I ate chicken cutlet last Friday and it was filling for only $3.50.Hey,what the heck.
I went to take my result slip with a depressed heart.I don't dare to see that piece of paper right now.My brain was planning for the RT schedule right now.
Result slip printed out.To my amaze,I saw:
Oh yeah!!!!!!
Was it because the route we ran was more than 2.4km,or was it because of the electronic glitch?But I managed to get an incentive pass with a $100!
Okay,I admit I'd pass in a not so beautiful way.Next time I'll aim for a silver award and I'll get myself to train hard for it.I'll do my 8(or more)chin-ups swee swee and I'll run to the finish line with the electronic board showing 11:40.Mark my words for it.
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