September 03, 2006

Impluse 101

I am so crazy to have done some impluse shopping at the Comex Fair.

I didn't know my colleague has 2 MacBooks during the house-warming visitation.It seems like the whole Singapore is moving towards a Mac society.That's what I think.

Friend A: Check it out!I got myself an Apple MacBook.

Friend B: Big deal.I also have one too.

Friend C: Did you say MacBook?I got a MacBook Pro at home.

Friend A: .....

Okay,I'm just envious.

Speaking of impluse buying,I got myself an Apple ipod.The original price was $518 and after asking the sales assistants (some said $488),I made up my decision to buy it for $440.That is exclusive of leather pouch and the power adapter.Anyway,I tell myself:Take it or leave it.

The only main concern is I'm afraid that I may be buying the rejected goods.Well,I shall try out the gadget later.

Oh,the next time when you approached the Apple booth during any computer fair,please check the area properly.There may be only 1 Apple booth,but there are 2-3 different shops trying to compete with one another,all in just 1 booth.