September 25, 2008

Out Of Wisdom

Wisdom tooth extraction was one of the painful thing I've encountered so far.

I've been wanting to remove it during my NS time,but was told by my mother that since it doesn't bother you so much,and it was grown in a very nice position,then don't do it.

It was until the dentist recommended me for the extraction because it may incur tooth decay,I decided to do it.When I went for the x-ray for my teeth,I was shocked that the lower one actually grew in a very awkward position,which is kinda perpendicular to the tooth next to it.

I've heard different kinds of horrible experience from the people and how the extraction have affected them,I wanted to chicken out.But for the sake of not have anymore tooth decay,I had to do it.

The dentist did gave me some warning about the after effects such as permanent numbness in your cheek(that was like 0.5% chance),I hesitate before I made any agreement to sign the paper.Think the dentist is rather annoyed by my persisting questions(the cost fees,the process,etc...).

Now comes the operation part.My heartbeat goes faster than what I have during the waiting process.The anesthetic was painful,but it helps to numb your cheek so that you won't feel the pain during the removal.

Think the dentist went on drilling off the lower part of the wisom tooth,as it's the hardest to be removed.I afraid they might not be able to do it,but after 10-15 minutes of drilling,the lower and the upper part has been removed.

My swollen right cheek.It took me 3-4 hours for me to recover.

My wisdom tooth.The lower one was drilled into lots of small pieces while the upper one was a completed one.

With all the surgery,I got 5 days of MC.It was a hard earned(and a painful one)I have ever had.