October 01, 2006

Hazy Crazy

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The haze has been getting bad nowadays.If this thing continue to get even worse,I had to wear a gas mask when I'm going to work.

This doesn't stop me from going out to church.I have to go for my PA duty today.

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After some months of slow research,I finally found a best place to wait for both 188 and 183,with only the minimum amount of money deducted.

The bus is always impressively slow.This is what you call good service in Singapore?!Pui!

Just when I was waiting for the bus,I looked around and find an interesting stuff.

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A box of c*****!Somemore there's an open packet behind it.It's not just 1 box,but 3-4 boxes lying around the area behind the bus stop.

So you mean the people there organised some mass gathering behind the bus stop?Don't tell me they will feel the high doing it inside the vegetation area.Oh man,the bus stop where I'm waiting is highly infested with Aides mosquitoes.You all want to die is it?

Maybe one day I stop at the place again and I'll do an in depth research of their hiding nest.