March 12, 2009

Leave or No Leave

My company was discussing about the scheduled leave almost everyday without fail.That leaves me thinking: why do we have to force ourselves to take leave when we're not happy with it?

After talking to several of my colleagues,I've realized that having a scheduled leave is better than getting your pay cut.

Take it this way: when you go for scheduled leave,you'll be able to spend time with your loved ones and maybe your friends whom you really want to meet up long time ago.Moreover,you'll still get the same pay with lesser working days and this also helps the company to cut costs like electrical bills.

However,when you go for a pay cut,you'll eventually had to work as usual without lesser working days.This,in fact,is a out of the box common sense I failed to see.

Speaking of spending time with your friends and loved ones,I may want to visit some of my old friends and also to watch movies that has been collecting dust for quite some time.