October 16, 2008

Yet An Album Review

I shall dedicate my 400th post by doing a review of Jay Zhou's latest album "魔杰座".

First of all,when I bought my album,the itune actually read my CD with all the wrong titles(for example "女儿红" instead of "给我一首歌的时间").The only correct title would be 稻香 and the rest are wrong.My speculation would be that the record company already foresee the music leaking problem,so they purposely changed all the title of the songs.

Alright,let's get back to the review.

1. 龙战骑士 (魔杰座)

Rock song by Jay Zhou which sounded very upbeat and very RPG-ish.Nothing impressive actually,not much of a breakthrough from his previous rock song album.

2. 给我一首歌的时间 (女儿红)

His usual R&B style of music.Strange enough,it sounded like some compilation of all his previous album,cut and paste and form into this one complete song.

3. 蛇舞 (东方之殿)

Oh no!Middle East music style!Nooooooo!!!!!!!

4. 花海 (红楼梦中)

I love this song.It's actually quite meaningful if you check out his lyrics.At first when I heard the chorus part,he sang until one part he went "zao sia".But when I heard it over and over again,it's actually...the style of this song.

5. 魔术先生 (失恋的青蛙)

Another of his happy cheerful song after his annoying "牛仔很忙".In fact,this song is way better than that cowboy song which sounded very corny.If you listen to his ending part,you will hear a part taken from "牛仔很忙".

6. 说好的幸福呢 (失落非主流)

Alright,WHO came out with the funny fake title?Anyway,this is one super emo song by Jay Zhou,with the piano intro abit like "蒲公英的约定".Perhap this will be a "handphone blasted loudly inside the bus" song.

7. 兰亭序 (从新爱)

Oriental song with is a must have in his compose list.I personally love this song more than his previous oriental song "青花瓷",because the previous song will put you to sleep and the new song brings out more power to the 中国风.However,I still find "菊花台" his overall best.

8. 流浪诗人 (大灌蓝)

Notice the tremendous difference between the real and the fake title?*roll eyes*

The music seems to be rather weird,creepy and dark at the same time.Maybe not my kind of song.

9. 时光机 (达芬奇的画布)

Pop-ish song.Not my type.Next.

10. 乔克叔叔 (小丑)

Ermmm......Bossanova music?Doesn't grew on me either.I'm sorry.

11. 稻香

I loved the guitar introduction and the song is simply meaningful.It gives us some meaning in looking life in another prospective.I wonder why did he place this song as his last song when this song is his first EP?