July 05, 2009
Yeah sorry for the lack of updates recently.It was due to the fact that my processor fan actually spoils instead of my power supply.Really felt my heart broked when I wasted $59 for that power supply.
Alright,let's just say it's an investment to make my computer performs better okay?That old power supply is kinda...up lorry pretty soon.
I'll be going back for reservist tomorrow.This will be my third cycle and it's gonna be a 2 weeks of stay in camp.Really hope that they will release us everyday just like the previous 2 cycles.
After my reservist,I'll be going for a stay-cation with Ming Keat and the rest at Mount Emily.It was recommended by Ming Keat but I actually knew this place from Glenn.It was said to be a cozy and rather quiet area and judging from the website it looks good.
That's about all.June indeed is a boring month for me.
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